The desire of Divine Ministries International Fellowship Incorporated is to cover, encourage and support pastors, church leaders, pastors' wives, and all ministry leaders, and missionaries, who are striving to fulfill their responsibility in the Universal Church by helping to provide support and resources that will empower their efforts and help to ensure their success. We believe this mission can be achieved through F-E-L-L-O-W-S-H-I-P:

Faithfully Connecting
by faithfully connecting we endeavor to:
1. Form genuine, true, meaningful and lasting spiritual relationships.
2. Provide an environment where church leaders and churches can feel unified and bond like a strong family where there is no division, and the bond of unity is secure.

Encouraging One Another
through encouraging one another we endeavor to:
1. Provide a support group for pastors to lean on and to have as encouragement during tough times to ensure pastors and churches that they are not alone.

Loving One Another
by loving one other we endeavor to:
1. Build relationships that will facilitate the birth of natural camaraderie good for personal growth and nourishing new and lifelong friendships.

Linking Resources
by linking resources, we endeavor to:
1. Combine the abundance of resources available amongst the fellowship to offer a vast assortment of ministry resources.
2. Provide valuable information as tools and materials for spiritual growth and ministry enhancements to all affiliates.
3. Provide a local School of Ministry in every district for the purposes of religiously educating our people in the vast subject matter of the Christian faith.
4. Provide summits for the purposes of follow up training from the National Perspective.
5. Provide yearly conferences for the purpose of educating the Reformation leaders of their leadership positions thus making them more knowledgeable and effective in their positions.

Operating in Oneness
by operating in oneness, we endeavor to:
1. Bridge denominational and gender gaps by working together as one Universal Church with the mind to further the Kingdom of God.
Help to shut off the notion that woman cannot minister in the kingdom for the kingdom.
2. Provide a covering and serve as support for women who have answered a true call into ministry.
3. Provide an environment where women can feel safe and loved.
4. Provide a forum for elevation in ministry where women won't be held back because of their gender.
5. Offer an association of kinship among all clergy and train women in the vast areas of ministry.

Worshiping Together
by worshiping together, we endeavor to:
1. Fervently usher spiritual excitement into the local church through relevant preaching, praise and worship.
2. Make Him glorified through our togetherness and oneness in worship.
3. Make Him glorified through our faith and commitment.
4. Make Him glorified through our lifestyle. 
5. Satisfy the criteria set forth in the scripture by letting our light shine to ensure that God is glorified.

erving Together
by serving together we endeavor to:
1. Be visible in the nation as servants of goodwill and community involvement.
2. Help one another in the various areas of mission and evangelistic work.
3. Minister to the weak.
4. Evangelize the lost.
5. Serve God by serving others.

Helping One Another
by helping one another we endeavor to:
1. Help ensure that each local church is a visible and meaningful force in the community in which it serves. 
2. Assist pastors, ministers and church leaders in reaching their spiritual goals of reaching lost souls through community involvement. 
3. Assist in marketing and evangelism; work diligently with the local church to draw others to Christ. 
4. Provide Administrative assistance and ensure that each church is operating in full doctrinal posture.
5. Assist churches in developing liturgies and worship experiences that will nourish and then motivate the membership to be fervent and zealous about the work of the Lord.
6. Provide Armor Bearer assistance for single ministry pastors.
7. Provide Church Set-Up Assistance for upstart churches (Charter, 501 C 3, etc...)

Inspiring One Another
by inspiring one another we endeavor to:
1. Share the holy gifts of God with one another in effort to make each other strong.
2. Inform and educate one another in the word of God to ensure that we are progressing in learning.

Praying Together
by praying together, we endeavor to:
1. Embrace the body of Christ in a way that makes them know that we are shepherds and overseers to their needs.
2. Unify as a spiritual reformation in prayer for our nation and its conditions.
3. Intercede for our world in crisis and our military men and women. 
4. Collectively pray for our church and world leaders.
5. Continually pray for those in need and hurting.